Friday, August 29, 2008

Anya Rolls Over!

So over the last week or so little Anya has surprised us with a new ability... she can roll over from her tummy to her back! Here is a video of her acrobatics. Be warned that my cell phone does really poor video so its really choppy and not of the best quality.


Friday, August 22, 2008

2 Month Portraits

Today Katy took Anya to have some portraits taken of her while she is still a little wee bebe. Amazingly enough not only did she do a good job she was well behaved and really worked with the photographer. She did eventually get tired and cranky but we got some pretty good pictures of her before she did.

Here are a few samples. If you would like to see more of them then follow the "2 Month Portraits Gallery" link on the links section of the page.

She is such a cutie!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Teething !??!??

Ok, Anya has been a little off the past couple of days and we think she may be teething already (she is 8 weeks old today.) What we thought may be an increased appetite seems to be more the need to chew. Whether it be a finger, her pacifier, or even Katy's shoulder (yup you read that right) !!

We've looked and she does appear to have some light spots on her gums where teeth might be but honestly its hard to tell at this point. She has been lightly fussy today. We kinda desribe it as her hazy period. She hasn't been upset but every now and then will cry a few times and stop. During her nap this afternoon she was in and out a lot doing that but would drift right back out.

Anyone have some suggestions on how to sooth teething for a two month old? She's still too young for baby tylenol, baby orajel, and most any teething toy.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Several people from Katy's office in another county went in together and bought Anya a really fancy swing. Anya loves to swing and watch the fishes. It has also assisted on a few occasions getting her to nap some.

Just a note, I have added a links section that will go to all photo galleries as well as other notable places.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Good Traveller and Sweet Dreams

Our little Anya has quite a travel record going so far. Being a Texas kid she has obviously already traveled across half the state and all of Arkansas to be our daughter and about a week and a half ago she had her first trip to Missouri. Thankfully with a little bit of timing and luck she can be a real trooper when it comes to traveling.

This pic was taken on the road to MO and as you can see, have teddy bear - will travel.

We are also happy to say that since moving Anya to the "gentle" Enfamil formula she has been eating better and subsequently resting better afterwards. The only roadblocks to her eating well are the occasional bubble, dirty diaper, or her infamous ability to go comatose about halfway through. She can be a real goober sometimes ;) Another good point is that she is sleeping better and she usually will only get up twice a night and more of then than not she gets up once about 3:30.

For the most part we are home with her over the next couple of months with the occasional trip to the family in MO. I have to make the best of my afternoons after work with her. Thankfully the formula change has also made her less irritable in the afternoons so we get a chance to interact and talk more than we did the first few days. I still have a lot to learn but thankfully both Katy and Anya are patient with me.

All I know for sure is that when I hold her and she just stares at me and gives that little grin it just melts away pieces of the old me. Have I found out that being a daddy can be trying, frustrating, and tiring....absolutely, but the rewards are infinitely worth it. All for the love of a child.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

First Bath, well, with us anyway ;)

Yesterday we gave Anya her first bath since she came home with us. She obviously does not share her daddy's dislike of getting wet because she just loved it.

However, we were a little shaky on this dismount as she does not care for the after the bath portion of the show. Fortunately, get her all bundled up and snuggle her and she comes around after a little while.

On a side note we have moved her off her soy based formula that she was put on while in transitional care to see if it helps with her tummy aches. /crossfingers